KUXIU X36 (銀色) iPad 可摺疊磁性支架

促銷價$80.98 USD 原價$119.99 USD
省下 $39.01

Color: Silver
選擇您的 iPad: iPad Pro 12.9-In. (3rd/4th/5th/6th Generation)
X36 銀色 iPad 支架 相容性圖表

由於 iPad 內建的磁鐵位置各不相同,為了確保您選擇正確的 KUXIU 磁性 支架,您可以根據您的 iPad 型號、顯示尺寸和發行年份確認相容的支架。您可以點擊表格中的相應連結進行購買。

*KUXIU 磁性支架僅與 iPad Pro 或 iPad Air 兼容。普通 iPad 不受支持。*

iPad 型號 顯示屏尺寸 一代(發布年份) 適用的 KUXIU 支架 URL
iPad Pro 13吋(M4) (2024) 缺貨
12.9英寸 第 3 代 (2018 年)
第 4 代 (2020 年)
第 5 代 (2021 年)
第 6 代 (2022 年)
11吋(M4) (2024) 缺貨
11英吋 第 1 代 (2018 年)
第 2 代 (2020 年)
第 3 代 (2021 年)
第 4 代 (2022 年)
iPad Air 13吋(M2) (2024) 連結
11吋(M2) (2024) 連結
10.9英寸 第 4 代 (2020 年)
第 5 代 (2022 年)

選擇您的 iPad


認識 KUXIU X36:您終極的可調角度夥伴。擁有 8 個可自定義部件,它能輕鬆適應您所需的任何角度。無論您是在辦公室忙碌、在家放鬆,還是在畫廊展示您的創意,KUXIU X36 都隨時準備成為您堅定的助手。

KUXIU X36 IPad Foldable Magnetic Stand


體驗與 KUXIU X36 的磁性面板無縫整合,擁有超過 84 個堅固的磁鐵,精心設計以完美對齊您 iPad 的內部磁性結構。透過這種磁性連接,複雜與簡約相遇,確保每次都能緊密且安全地貼合。


確保您的保護殼是磁性的,或者探索我們的自訂KUXIU 磁性保護殼,可供購買。


採用精密CNC技術製作,並經過多重處理如真空氧化,KUXIU X36提供無與倫比的體驗。由全鋁合金製成,提供卓越的支撐和無與倫比的耐用性。

KUXIU X36 IPad Foldable Magnetic Stand
KUXIU X36 IPad Foldable Magnetic Stand


KUXIU X36 的每個軸都配備頂級的鉸鏈軸,能夠輕鬆調整角度,並提供穩固的握持,防止在長時間使用中滑動。



X36 的底部具有 U 形夾,設計用於容納最大厚度為 1.97 英吋(5 公分)的桌面。

U 型夾配有柔軟的矽膠墊,可確保您的桌子不會被刮傷並免受損壞。

KUXIU X36 IPad Foldable Magnetic Stand




如果您找不到所需的答案,請聯絡我們的線上客服。我們致力於實現 100% 的客戶滿意度。

我們的客戶支援服務時間為週一至週五:上午 8 點至晚上 8:30(UTC +10)。平均回答時間:0.5h

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Luis Gutierrez
Awesome for Desk!!

A game-changer for my deep desk setup! This holder extends far enough to bring my iPad Pro right to my eyeline without hogging desk space.

- STURDY AF: No wobbles, even when adjusting the iPad mid-work. I can also write ✍️ using my Apple Pencil and it doesn’t wobble
- DEEP DESK FRIENDLY: Pulls out smoothly to cover my desk’s depth – no more leaning forward
- SIMPLE INSTALL: Clamped onto my desk easily— not much to add here

I use this daily for Sidecar, and it’s eliminated my neck-craning habit. The extension range is the MVP here – perfect for multitasking. Would buy again.

EXTREMELY SATISFIED. Nice and refined work.

Probably the best item in terms of quality I bought ever. Hinge holds its place. Does not sag. Holds up. 5 STARS.

Shirley cole

So happy to have the stand. Recomend strong will last forever

Conor O
Great execution, could use more engineering

I want to start by saying this is a phenomenal product. It feels and looks very high quality. It is not easy to bend the arms, and I view that as a positive because there is no “give” at the joints when you are using the touch screen. I work in TV/film and I’ve encountered arms that are meant to hold monitors etc where you don’t tighten anything to get the monitor in position and they often have a lot of “give” and loosen over time. Usually they have an exposed allen bolt that you can tighten, but they always end up loosening unless you use locktite. This arm feels like it will NOT loosen over time.

I’ve attached this permanently to a little cart that I use around the house, office, workshop, and in bed for watching shows/videos, playing games, browsing the internet, and general productivity. This thing is PERFECT for carts, quick release thanks to magnets, keeps cart free for anything else you use the cart for. Great for anyone, but I know TV/film best so I’ll say it’s great for camera or audio carts, since iPads can be used with such a variety of workflows.

Cody Scoggins
Solid iPad Pro Stand

I waited a while before finally picking one of these stands up, and my only regret is that I didn't pick it up sooner.

- Great looking
- Very sturdy, solid metal
- Hinges are solid but not too difficult to re-adjust when desired (never feel the iPad is going to sag due to the weight)

Ease of Use:
- Going between this stand and my keyboard case is incredibly quick and seamless. The magnets are easy to line up and there's enough space around the back edges of the iPad for your hands to get a solid grasp while placing or removing from the stand.
- The stand feels solid while using your iPad even from a distance. Very little shake for most any actions, and easy to rotate and adjust as needed

- This stand has been incredibly convenient for me to be able to use my iPad to multi-task while I'm at my desk (playing videos in the background, Facetime calls, extending my computer display, etc.)
- Since this can be mounted to the side and does not need to rest on your desk surface itself, you can still maintain usable space underneath (which is greatly appreciated)