Spring Sale

KUXIU X36 靈活臂夾平板電腦支架

促銷價$53.98 USD 原價$89.99 USD
省下 $36.01

顏色: 灰色

【廣泛相容性】升級後的可調式臂夾平板電腦支架完美相容於所有7-13 吋平板電腦或iPad,並相容於iPad 10/9 代、iPad Pro 12.9/11、iPad Air 5/4th、iPad Mini 6 /5 /4、三星 Galaxy Tab S9/S8/S7 Ultra、Surface Pro 9/8/7、MatePad Air 11.5、Kindle Fire HD、可攜式顯示器、繪圖板或其他 iPad 支架。適用於辦公室、視訊、會議、直播、攝影棚或其他您需要的場所。解放雙手!

【高級鋁合金材質】平板電腦支架由防鏽鋁合金製成,具有堅固靈活的臂關節,最大高度為 24 英寸,可靠的負載能力為 3.3 磅(1.5 公斤)。它可以防止任何下垂,即使在長時間使用後也能保持穩定,確保持久的質量,不會鬆動或搖晃。高密度鋁合金保證耐用性,不生鏽或褪色。

【多角度可調】平板電腦支架配有 6 個可調式關節(1*90°、1*220°、3*270°、1*360°),可調整和旋轉 360 度。它符合人體工學設計,提供舒適感並防止頸部和肩部疼痛,它可以調整到與您的平板電腦相容的最舒適的觀看位置。它可以滿足您任何角度和位置的需求。

【可折疊便攜式設計】我們的平板電腦支架採用 C 形夾設計,可以輕鬆固定在厚度達 1.96 英寸/5 厘米的桌子上。底座內建防滑矽膠墊,確保增強穩定性。其折疊和伸縮設計可以節省更多桌面空間。易於攜帶,非常適合多種場景使用,例如辦公室/室內/室外使用。

【易於安裝】無需工具即可快速安裝。平板電腦支架配有堅固的底座和可調節的鋁合金臂。它可以廣泛固定在您的桌子、床頭櫃、書架或任何其他合適的位置(厚度可達 1.96 英寸/5 厘米)。夾子配有矽膠墊,可保護您的家具免受刮擦。

KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount KUXIU X36 Flexible Arm Clip Tablet Mount



自2004年以來,KUXIU 一直在擴展全球市場,在多個歐洲國家、北美和亞洲建立倉庫和分支機構。這確保了全球客戶更快的物流和卓越的售後服務。


我們為超過 800,000 位客戶提供滿意的服務。



如果您找不到所需的答案,請聯絡我們的線上客服。我們致力於實現 100% 的客戶滿意度。

我們的客戶支援服務時間為週一至週五:上午 8 點至晚上 8:30(UTC +10)。平均回答時間:0.5h

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
The Quality is Good

I do really enjoy this arm. It has technically eight pivot points and makes it very versatile. I will say it is heavier than I anticipated so if you have it attached to a narrow side table like I do, you will want something a little heavier than the arm itself on the opposite side of that table. It’s very customizable for its ability to be placed in different locations and Heights and the main blackhead unit that attaches to the monitor has a pivot ball so you can adjust it up down sideways back forward basically any direction and angle that you want. It is very sturdy and the clamp to attach to tables is great also and does not slide and has a rubber pad on both ends.

Stupidly sturdy, keeps your tablet exactly where you want it

I recently bought a new nightstand-shelf for next to my bed, and I had an idea in my head when I was ordering it. I keep my tablet by my bed so I have something for noise when I sleep, and for something to do if I decide it's a selfcare day and don't feel like leaving my bed most of the day. Before this stand, I made my own out of cardboard and hot glue sitting on an old tv tray. Don't judge me, old bachelor habits die hard.

Once I'd received my new stand and set it up fully, I mounted this on it, and it was perfect; It takes decent force to rotate the base, it takes more force to adjust the joints on the arm itself, and it keeps your tablet stable and exactly where you'd left it. I can't recommend this stand enough.

Super good quality and very durable!

I have a 7th gen iPad and this worked perfectly. The clamp opens pretty wide so it will fit onto thicker desks. It’s very durable and was super easy to put onto the back of my desk. It takes a little arm work to open up the arms, but I think that just shows how well it will stay open and not close down by the weight of something like I encounter with a lot of products. This is well worth the money for the quality and durability, as well as how sleek it looks alongside my Apple products. Thrilled with my purchase and I would definitely buy again!

Adori Haze
Excellent, very robust and made of good materials

I was looking for a support to put my graphics tablet on, I saw this one and it caught my attention, because it said it supported large tablets, I didn't think it was true but I risk it, and I can tell you that it's great, if it supports a graphics tablet that is constantly being used it supports anything, it's very comfortable for drawing, and I imagine that if you put a tablet to watch videos or play it will support it even better.

It's very stiff, it's hard to move it, but this is good because your device is always stable, I highly recommend it, it's very worth it

Very solid tablet holder

You get what you pay for in the case of these tablet holders. This mount is a solid piece of kit and I know my new tablet is going to stay right where I put it. The mount is definitely worth the higher cost , superior parts and first rate build quality. The mount is shipped inside a form fitting insert in the box. Look at this mount if you need a quality component that won't ... let you down. Very satisfied with it. Worth the money.