KUXIU X44 Pro MAX iPad 磁性充電支架

Spring Sale
促銷價$99.98 USD 原價$139.99 USD
省下 $40.01

選擇您的 iPad: iPad Pro 13-in. M4 (2024)
X44 Pro MAX iPad 支架 相容性圖表

由於 iPad 內建的磁鐵位置各不相同,為了確保您選擇正確的 KUXIU 磁性 支架,您可以根據您的 iPad 型號、顯示尺寸和發行年份確認相容的支架。您可以點擊表格中的相應連結進行購買。

*KUXIU 磁性支架僅與 iPad Pro 或 iPad Air 兼容。普通 iPad 不受支持。*

iPad 型號 顯示屏尺寸 一代(發布年份) 適用的 KUXIU 支架 URL
iPad Pro 13吋(M4) (2024) 連結
11吋(M4) (2024) 連結

選擇您的 iPad

終極 iPad 體驗

KUXIU X44 Pro MAX 擁有磁性設計,能與您的 iPad 無縫連接,確保平滑且輕鬆的附加和拆卸體驗。它由 CNC 加工的鋁合金精心製作,散發出高端品質和卓越耐用性。

憑藉創新的三軸旋轉系統和可旋轉底座,它提供多種角度調節,使其非常適合創造力、工作或娛樂。享受 iPad 使用方式無與倫比的靈活性。

KUXIU X44 Pro MAX Magnetic IPad Charging Stand
KUXIU X44 Pro MAX Magnetic IPad Charging Stand


KUXIU 在磁性表面內整合了一個安全充電模組,直接連接到您 iPad 背面的 Smart Connector,以提供 18W 快速充電。

這可以釋放 iPad 的 USB-C 端口,用於連接集線器、外部硬碟等。


KUXIU X44 Pro MAX 面板精巧地嵌入了 84 顆釹磁鐵,巧妙地對應到 iPad 的內部磁鐵位置。這確保了您的 iPad 在支架上穩如磐石。


注意:非磁性或過厚的 iPad 保護殼可能會削弱磁力。為了獲得最佳體驗,我們建議購買一個 KUXIU 磁性 iPad 保護殼。點擊 這裡 購買。

KUXIU X44 Pro MAX Magnetic IPad Charging Stand
KUXIU X44 Pro MAX Magnetic IPad Charging Stand


KUXIU X44 Pro MAX 配備了一個機械旋轉底座,支持 360 度水平旋轉,使您能輕鬆地與他人分享您的 iPad 螢幕。旋轉過程中的機械滴答聲增添了獨特的觸感,為整體體驗增添了一絲魅力。


您的 X44Pro MAX iPad 磁性充電支架套裝包括

1. - X44pro MAX磁吸充電座*1

2. USB-C充電線*1

3. 使用手冊*1

KUXIU X44 Pro MAX Magnetic IPad Charging Stand




如果您找不到所需的答案,請聯絡我們的線上客服。我們致力於實現 100% 的客戶滿意度。

我們的客戶支援服務時間為週一至週五:上午 8 點至晚上 8:30(UTC +10)。平均回答時間:0.5h

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
wong simon
KUXIU X44 Pro MAX & KUXIU iPad Magnetic Protective Case

Fast delivery within aweek received my item, item quality is good, As what they advertise. Reasonable price Compare to other company out there.

Rod Herzstrom
Excellent built and functionality

I got it for my iPad Pro M4 cause since the new iPad has a new set of Magnets, you have to get a new stand. KUXIU was very fast to produce this that holds my iPad without any issues, the magnets are really strong. Quick note, it might detect a keyboard but it is just because you connect the 3 pins for charging, simply hide the message 5 seconds you are good to go. The charging can be useful moreover because you unlock the USB C port of the iPad itself so now you can connect an SSD to increase instantly all your storage for pics, videos and documents.

Looks really cool to transform the iPad into a desk setup.

tonnie mcintyre

Well made

Jean-Philippe Marc

The stand is very functional & has a nice polished feel to it. It exerts a slight resistance when changing positions which is fine & oddly reassuring . Overall, writing & drawing on the iPad while on the stand feels very natural. Creatives will appreciate how much being serene & focused is important to the workflow.

kim kyeonghak
well-made, but unexpected things

The delivery took about 10 days.

Overall, it is a well-made product with a great finish, strong magnetic force, and easy angle control.
However, in my first use, I am asked to connect the Chinese keyboard. The screen keyboard does not come out when using it afterwards, and you need to set up a few settings to use the screen keyboard.